Minimalism is an increasingly popular way of life in the West, the cradle of materialism and unbridled consumerism. To rebel against the idea that success, happiness and personal fulfillment lie in the accumulation of objects, thousands of people have decided to adopt the mentality: less is more. Many people have understood the value of less is more by traveling. Because travelers leave with few objects, those that are really necessary, and leave everything else at home. They don't need superfluous things to fill a backpack when they have all the beauty of the world to fill their eyes and their hearts. A minimalist trip is a very meaningful life experience, which you take inside even when it ends. Try it at least once: it could open your eyes to many aspects of your life.
Four-way trips teach you that you don't need a lot of things.
The less you own and the more you value your time
Travelling with a clear mind
Saving money
Discover what it means to travel freely